This Satori profile segment will deal with Webmaster James Norman Price, Hanshi USA GoJu.
Hanshi Price is seen here with Maestro Urban near the last days of Maestro Urban's life.
At first glance, Hanshi Price seems like exactly what he is, a well-educated professional. Originally a school teacher, he later became quite successful in, and is now retired from his career as a representative for a major pharmaceutical company. His mannerism is gentle and it is obvious that he is of high moral character.
This mild mannered persona masks a quite different back ground as far as the martial arts are concerned. He originally came from, and acheived Yon Dan Renshi in, the dojo of an old friend of mine, Master Joseph Kelljchian of Florida, who was a student of Sensei Urban. This group, now called U.S.A.G.F. is a no nonsense, hard contact, rough training group to say the least.
Hanshi Price is seen here training with Maestro Urban at Master Joe Hess' Dojo in Florida circa 1979.
Later going directly under the tutelage of Grand Master Urban, Hanshi Price always went above and beyond the call of duty.
I, as Sensei Urban’s representative for the southern states can tell you that whenever we needed anything, Price was there. He and his students also participated in countless seminars, classes, crazy training and tournaments that I ran in Florida. Speaking of tournaments, who could forget the wild tournaments that Price organized on Ft. Myers Beach for Master Kelljchian back in the day? Good times…….
A little vignette about the Internet:
I received a fax one morning from Sensei Urban, asking me if I could put together a web site for him. Originally Master Dayton Guinee had put together a website for Sensei Urban, however, at that particular time he was legitimately to busy to tend to such an affair. Keep in mind that when doing something for Sensei Urban, things had to be done immediately, so understandably Master Guinee had to vacate his position as web master. I contacted Sensei Urban via telephone, explaining that not only did I not own a computer at the time, I didn’t even know how to turn one on if I did. I informed him however, that I had an idea of who we could recruit as our internet guy. After discussing this with Hanshi Price, and him agreeing to take on the arduous job of web master, the official website of Maestro Peter Urban began. Originally called Martial Combatives DoJo. It is now called Grand Master Peter Urban’s Fight Schools Network. Sensei Urban’s intent was to have a web site that besides giving information about his system and organization, would be a list of his active, loyal membership. In order to be listed on his site, one had to apply directly through Sensei Urban. There was no guessing or being mislead as to an applicants standing with Sensei Urban, for as I said, the only people listed on the site were those who’s name received the green light from Urban.
Click on image to enlarge.
There have been misconceptions lately as to being only for the last wave of students of Sensei Urban, but as read in his news letter above, it was for all of his legitimate loyal dues paying instructor level students.
Many of us later made our own web sites since then, however, the site that Hanshi Price put together was and still is the one and only official website of Maestro Peter G. Urban PHD.
Today = Now, Hanshi Price is still active in the martial arts, aside from being Webmaster.
Now at ninth dan, he teaches KaraTe and practical self-defense classes at the clubhouse of the Pelican Preserve where he lives with his lovely wife Karen. The Pelican Preserve is an exclusive gated community built in coordination with a National Audubon Society preserve. He is also the curator of the beautiful butterfly gardens there at the preserve.